Horses were faster but oxen were stronger, more steady, and dependable. The very first mention of this word is in the very first sentence of the Bible aleph tav meaning and in fact, it is mentioned twice. The third occurrence is included in a scene set in the throne room of heaven and connects us again with creation.
To say this another way, Jesus is saying that he is the WAVES living word of God, as in, the spoken word of Yahweh made flesh. Jesus is the light of the world who brings eternal life to those who believe and obey his teachings in the New Covenant written in the New Testament. A plowshare is the metal point of the plow which digs into the soil creating a furrow for planting seeds. When we examine the original pictographic script used in ancient times to write Hebrew, we can see a clear connection between the letters of this word and its meaning.
There are Aleph/Tav את Symbols in regard to יהוה Father’s Judgments, Blood Atonement and Covenants which imply both יהוה and את working together as ONE. Yet there are also dozens of chapters where there is NO Aleph/Tav את Symbol because the subject matter apparently does not merit the placement. Please understand, the English translation of the Zayin/Aleph/Tav זאת Word as “this” or “she” is the best the translators could come up with.
Those seven words represent each day, and each day represents a thousand years. The Aleph-Tav, the fourth word, is symbolic to the fourth day. This is symbolic of Yeshua who came to earth in the four thousandth year, or fourth day, of the creation’s existence. Think of the Aleph Tav verses as being DUAL prophecies of the Messiah, Jesus. And SOME of them need to be INTERPRETED just like some verses of Scripture need to be INTERPRETED.
I believe that the Aleph Tav verses are worth the time to study and to search out their true meaning in the LIGHT of all the Aleph Tav verses. For you see, our interpretation of the Aleph Tav verse must ALSO agree with the WHOLE word of Almighty aleph tav meaning God. We need simply to understand that the protocol of the Yah-head was not something first established when Y’shua came in the flesh, but was established from the foundation of the earth and possibly has worked the same for all eternity.
The fourth and final use of Alpha and Omega is found in the very last chapter of the Bible. Note the language in this portion of Scripture that is also very similar to the first couple chapters of Genesis. (recall Jesus words “it is finished) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
The Pey/Aleph/Tav פאת Word is used only 34 times in the Tanakh. Each time is in relationship to “boundaries” that have been ordained from the mouth of the Yah-head. This is not surprising because the Hebrew letter Pey (פ) means to “speak” from the “mouth” and “communicate” something. When connected to the Aleph/Tav את Symbol it is translated as “edges of”. Now there are other ways in Hebrew to spell “edge” or “boundary”, so the more insightful meaning of the Pey/Aleph/Tav פאת Word would imply that something of profound significance was being spoken from the Yah-head.
Another core problem is that ראש is the root and needs to remain intact.
Taking individual letters and applying hieroglyphic meaning is as messy as geomatria.
Also, aleph is not God, but an ox. Shin is a tooth. You use of a yud os fine, but the tav is just…odd.
— Elisha ben Abuyah (@Elishabenabuya) April 2, 2019
So Jesus is telling us to search the Hebrew scriptures for the two UNTRANSLATED Hebrew letters, the Aleph and the Tav, the FIRST and the LAST letters of the Hebrew alphabet. What did Jesus mean when he said that he was the Alpha and the Omega? The Greek letters, the Alpha and the Omega are the first and the last LETTERS of the Greek alphabet.
The obvious explanation that the central lamp represents the mesiah and that he will be the light of the world and he will bring the light to the whole world eventually is clear. HIDDEN prophecies of Jesus scriptures are SHADOWS pointing to Jesus. All the feast days, all the sabbath days, and all the CEREMONIAL Law of Moses contained in ORDINANCES were ADDED UNTIL the Messiah came. Paul clearly teaches us in that the Law of Moses was a SCHOOLMASTER. Let us read where Jesus said that the Scriptures speak of him.
Therefore, it is embarrassing how Jesus’ Signature Theorists arrogantly claim that Bible scholars do not know what the Aleph-Tav is—when they themselves have not even learnt the basics of the Hebrew language. In English, the direct object of a verb is determined by word order. In the first sentence, we know that the action of the verb “loves” is being done to “Simon” because of the order of the words in the sentence. Likewise, in the second sentence, we know from the order of the words that the action of the verb “loves” is being done to the noun “John”. The Tav (ת), the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
4In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. I came across “aith” as I was looking at Saul’s response to David, as the crowds cheered for David.
Hebrew reading and speaking people would KNOW that it meant ‘Aleph and Tav’ with the FIRST and the LAST…which meant TRUTH (still does)…opposed to the greek Alpha and Omega which has NO true meaning…that little gem is hidden in plain sight. Thanks for asking!
— ANGEL Investigative Radio Host #HAIRforce1 (@TKORachael) January 26, 2019
This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your seed after XLM you; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. Is also used very frequently in the Hebrew language such as can be seen in the very first verse of the Bible. Through Him יהוה made all the covenants with the 12 tribes. He is visible in the creation symbolism of the Water of Sanctification process with the sacrifice of the Red Heifer . William H. Sanford is a licensed Minister of Bet Ami, a Messianic Congregation in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and has been studying and preaching the gospel for over 40 years. William has several videos about The Messianic Aleph Tav Scriptures on YouTube, and he may be contacted through his website or on Facebook at Aleph Tav Scriptures.
Month of Tishrei: In this new year, ‘aleph’ is for ‘action’.
Posted: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Humans did not have this information when the letters of Phoenician were written. The strength of any process requires the parts that come before. The logo is my reminder to take care hitting the mark of any project I undertake in life. Missing the mark reveals itself in the product at the end .
Peter Cole on Making the Poetic Abstract Concrete.
Posted: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Many believers are familiar with this symbol as representing Y’shua Messiah, but the simple truth of this matter cannot be completely analyzed until believers have the opportunity to read the Tanakh for themselves and see where this symbol is actually placed. Only then can we begin to understand its significance, for I believe our understanding of the Aleph/Tav את Symbol has only just begun. I further believe the Apostles understood completely the use of the Aleph/Tav את Symbol in the Tanakh, and passed that knowledge down to covenant apostolic believers in the assemblies they founded throughout Asia and the world. Much of their wisdom and insight has been lost over time, due to the persecution they suffered by Rome. The majority of the time, when the Aleph/Tav את Symbol was found between two Hebrew words, when translated into the English KJV, those two Hebrew words were separated from each other in the sentence.
If you’ve read the story written by the Apostle John, you likely thought that John may have been reading a different Bible that you have. There’s a reason, his Bible contained the word, the Aleph Tav אֵתthat has always been in the ancient scrolls. Yet the Aleph Tavאֵתhas been hidden because English and all other language translations do not portray the word nor the graphic meanings of the ancient Hebrew script.
There are many other places in the Tanakh, that Hebrew words have been translated into English as either “this” or “she” more appropriately. When Moses originally used the Zayin/Aleph/Tav זאת Word in Hebrew it would have been impossible for him to have been trying to use it as “this”, “these” or “that” because these words more than likely did not exist in Paleo-Hebrew. Moses was pointing to a new creation that came out of the Zayin/Aleph/Tav זאת Word which was CUT from Adam. Consequently, the meaning Moses was trying to portray in Paleo-Hebrew, from where Woman had been created, must have been far more meaningful in the mind of Moses than the English translation indicates. Woman was created by את Y’shua from Adam and both were given their authority from the Yah-head, their covering, until disobedience caused them to fall.