Gemini Man Scorpio Woman Marriage

Only if they are very open to each other will they be successful and compatible. The Scorpio woman is adventurous and risky when she takes an interest in a man. But, she can also easily end her relationships when it is infested with boredom and routine.

Sometimes if the person you’re dating doesn’t want to become Facebook official, it’s not because they’re cheating. It’s because they don’t want the world in their business. But having personality traits that make me a horrible person has little to do with my astrological sign, which, if anything, should be one of my few redeeming qualities. Bailey Navin is an experienced Astrologer, Spiritualist, and Tarot Reader.

If you’re a Gemini, try making eye contact and being upfront with your words and tone to earn a Scorpio’s trust. Geminis can find Scorpios thrilling in the bedroom. Geminis enjoy being constantly XDating entertained, and Scorpios are more than able to keep sex interesting and active. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are all fire signs, and they get along well with our Gemini pals.

No one can understand a Scorpio intellectually as much as another Scorpio. Their topics can easily become dark, not because they both want to talk about depressing things, but because they understand each other in areas other people don’t want to deal with. This is a good way for both of them to discover that they are not alone, and it can be healing for each partner for as long as emotional expectations are not involved. Two Scorpio partners can be a dream come true when it comes to sex, as much as they can be each other’s worst nightmare. Jokes aside, every guy handles things differently, and his unique personality type can tell you a lot about what’s really going on.

Let’s say you’re friends with your ex-girlfriend. Resist the temptation to hide this from him and be honest! You might say, “Kat and I realized we didn’t work as a couple, but we still catch up as friends sometimes.” Be a little less available to him to really intrigue him. Leave him wanting more by revealing details about yourself at an incremental pace, ending your text conversations first sometimes, and filling up your schedule with other plans. He’ll enjoy the thrill of being with someone that’s a little hard to get ahold of, especially if you just started seeing each other.

Troublesome Issues with a Gemini and a Scorpio

Owing to this, they might find it challenging to relate to each other. Since opposites attract, they can generate exciting chemistry, but the relationship may not be very stable and swing between highs and lows. The Air Signs, namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are very chilled out and light-hearted folks, and do not like getting worked up about things. Highly imaginative and creative, these people like variety and keep exploring various options. A Scorpio woman’s jealousy is beyond affection and she has possessiveness pangs especially when she sees him drift further away. She will give her 100% in making the relationship work while he will be indifferent.


The Gemini man does not have emotionally charged sex while in bed. They consider sex more as fun than emotional connection, but the best part is that a Gemini man is like clay. He can easily be shaped according to the tastes and fantasies of his partner. The best relationships often struggle to find a balance between their various traits. Among all zodiac sign combinations, this relationship suffers greatly due to a lack of balance.

Every aspect of their sexual affair is strong and extremely passionate. He is sensitive to her needs and she is passionate for his. Their unity brings anything and everything to the surface from making love in an old abandoned house to finding themselves doing it under water. Their needs are fulfilled easily by each other and the passion soars beyond reality. The sexuality that this relationship gives off is one of the tremendous desires and fantasy conjured up to create incredible means to no end. There is nothing simple or basic about the love making of two Gemini.

Typical fights between a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman and how to resolve them

With a perfect balance, Gemini man and Scorpio woman love match can go a long way and prove to be fulfilling for both the parties. In my experience, most Gemini are attracted to our sense of mystery. Instead of telling him to give you attention make him want your attention. If you both fell for each other there must have been a reason, try remembering what made both of you so attracted to each other and work with that information. You don’t know me…my name is Jan, but I’ve done a great deal of leg work on this subject, so I thought I would weigh in on your behalf. But when even your kids come to you and say, “have you lost your mind…get away from this guy”…you come to realize that it really is time.

AScorpio woman’s personalityis all at once complicated, simple, receptive, stand-offish, engaged, and withdrawn. These apparent contradictions appear to others because the Scorpio woman is always thinking, always looking at things from a new angle, and always wondering about her next steps. This is part of what makes her so interesting, but it’s also what makes her so intimidating to others. When I see her now, she radiates remorse and sadness and suppresses intense emotions that bleed out in every body language possible. I wish she would find the courage to apologize and put in a little effort. She’s the only girl I would be this patient with, and be willing to mend the cracks of such a messy relationship.

For this reason, it is possible for these two to have a successful relationship if both of them really want it, even though they are not naturally a good match. If these two are going to try to form a relationship, they will have to work very hard at it and really make an effort to communicate.

That doesn’t not mean you can’t be his guiding light. Being a single mother is a humbling life experience. It will make you so much stronger than you once were. I wish you well, and empathize with the ruff road you must walk. I am a gemini woman who just went out on a first date with a scorpio man. Just sitting across from him at the restaurant i felt some type of way.

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