In my case, my man ended things mutually with his ex, so that was a good sign from my perspective that he was ready to move on. If you’ve gone from having a conversation to sleeping with each other every second night in a matter of a week, then you might have a problem. When it came to my situation, I knew him really well and I could trust his word when he told me he was over his ex. Because he might be ready to move on, but you’re the one who thinks he is still held up on his ex. I want you to make the right decision when it comes to dating this guy.
He lost most of his hair and started looking like a creepy old man. Moreover, due to drama, he also lost a lot of friends who used to praise him and demonize me. Meanwhile, I got more muscular and more popular with his friends. Do you hate it how everything seems to always revolve round him while you just seem to be an afterthought sometimes?
Perhaps this guy has been hurt in the past, so he’s a bit more cautious about pursuing a serious relationship. Probably he has realized that by being so nice to you, he has given himself away. As a result, he ends up pulling himself away, possibly out of fear that he may get hurt or because he worries that you don’t have the same feelings for him. Another possibility is that he is not ready for commitment at this time.
Even though you may like him back, it is best not to act on it if this is the case. Passions often come and go, and throwing away a solid relationship to pursue a fleeting crush is usually regretted. People fall in love at the wrong time, which is a sad fact.
However, notice what exactly he says and the way he behaves. If he is still into her, he’s not going to be that great at hiding it. You could ask him and watch his reaction instead of getting distracted by the words he says. Or…is your relationship actually in a good place, and are your concerns mostly just based in insecurity and doubt?
Respect his wishes, and if it’s meant to be and he genuinely has feelings for you, he’ll eventually make it happen with you. If you think you can change him or that he’ll be different when he’s finished with his ex, then that’s a red flag that you should move on. A lot of women would continue to just keep dating him, thinking that he’s over her and ready to move on. Alright, so if you’ve asked those questions and you still think he’s not over his ex, but he likes you, then you have some thinking to do. In just a few minutes, you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. No matter how strong your feelings or how deep your attachment to your partner is, you need to put yourself first and do what’s best for you.
If he is married or in a long-term relationship, he may be fighting his feelings to avoid sabotaging his current relationship or hurting his girlfriend or wife. It may be inconvenient for everyone involved, but unfortunately, having a crush on someone outside your relationship is common. Once, I had two guys sending me signals at the same time. One guy was more evident, while the other was harder to figure out. I will share my observations about telltale signs he is fighting his feelings for you. You want to be with a partner who cares about you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.
Whatever brings out his critical nature, he’s not being supportive or encouraging. Does the guy your dating usually call you at the last minute? This is a dead giveaway that he’s not a planner and calls only when you come to mind. That’s a clue he’s not thinking about you often enough to be interested in building a long-term relationship.
In short, he hasn’t fully processed the whole situation yet. He compares you to his, because he’s still thinking of her. So he does everything exactly the way it was but he’s only replaced the woman. And in the meantime, you can tell that he’s not one hundred percent there. In sign #6 I’ll explain how you can prevent him from saying these kinds of things in the future. This is something he says purely to keep you from feeling insecure.
Such guys talk badly about their exes because they perceive their exes’ attitudes and behavior as mean and rude. Some guys talked about the good times, some mentioned the problems they encountered, and some badmouthed their exes and accused them of horrible things. I’ve had the privilege to talk to hundreds if not thousands of guys who obsessively talked about their ex-girlfriends.
If he has already been lying to you about this, he will keep lying. This is why it’s more important to pay attention to his actions rather than his words. Did you feel secure before she came back into his life, or did the problems start long before then? He might be trying to run away from your problems by going back to his old about wapa life that he had with his ex. Of course, you can’t directly ask her about it, but mentioning him and seeing how she reacts to his name and the things you say could help you figure out her true feelings. If she is still into him, it will be obvious, and if this is the case, you might as well go ahead and ask her directly.
Research suggests that when a man stares, it’s because he has an underlying sexual motivation. Their pupils dilate when men are exposed to sexual images that they find arousing. Sometimes it’s the tiny details that can tell us a lot. There are many reasons why a man will try to hide that he likes you. He may be worried about rejection, he could be insecure and just assume that you don’t like him, or he wants to be certain that you’re into him before he makes a move. If a serious guy wants to improve his chances of getting with you, he will want to make you feel as secure as possible.